19 September 2012

Invisus-What's in the Name

Wow, this project seems so entirely HUGE compared to what I've done in the past. I'm almost overwhelmed by everything I have to accomplish. I'm also learning just what it's like to power through being sick when you have a large scale project...which I suppose is actually great real world experience.

Yeah, I know it's only second going into third week back at school and all ready I've gotten sick, it's nothing serious though, likely just allergies trying to kick my rear in to submission, but I say no! Moving from the south back up into the far North never goes well for me. I'm a southern girl at heart, I need my heat and my constant sunlight. Again, good real world experience, learning to press through and take care of myself while still getting my work done. Not easy.

So this week has been spent working more on my design document - which is actually proving to be a bit of a challenge; not because I'm not a decent writer or because I've never written a paper on this scale before, but because I've never written a paper of this type before and there seems to be no excessively wrong way to write a Design Document, so I'm flailing around attempting to make it look pretty and also make concise logical sense. I know I've written mock Design Documents before, but for some reason any knowledge I had of writing one has flown out the window.

I've also been blocking out the level layout in Maya with extremely simple polygons as well as trying to decide how I'm going to accomplish the overall level layout. I realized in the process of blocking things out that there are going to be a lot of small assets and the thought of all of them is almost overwhelming. But I'm cautiously excited to tackle the task and I suspect that once I get started it won't really be so much busy, busy work.

But, I figured that I would attempt to explain why I chose the name Invisus for my project. I had intended to call my thesis Fracture because of the fractured mindset of the main character. Upon doing some research I discovered that LucasArts has all ready produced a video game under the name of Fracture. So I started looking into some other words that could say a lot in a single word. I played with translating software and ended up going back to the second foreign language I ever attempted to learn, Latin.

I fully admit I was never very good at Latin grammar, but I was fairly decent with Latin vocabulary. Invisus comes from the word Invidere (Derived from the latin word Videre, meaing to look), which means to cast an evil eye on, to bear ill will, or to be envious, or - as I was taught in school- to dislike someone (including yourself). Invisus is the past perfect conjugation of the word Indivere, which means that it translates to mean hated or detested, or loathed. But what really caught me on the name is that not only has it's primary meanings, but depending on who you speak to, Invisus also means hostile or malicious.

It also means unseen because of the conjugation of the word Inviso, but I always thought that was an awkward word.

Anyways, I leave you with a bit more concept art. Block modeling of the level layout is well in progress!

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