13 October 2012

This isn't so bad

I got a few things that were completely stressing me out taken care of and it's helping me put the scale of this project into perspective.

Application for Graduation submitted ---check
Verizon finally sent me a new phone ---check
Pork shoulder in the slow cooker ----check
New shoes to keep me going ---- check

So basically I convinced myself to go hide in the lab for several hours and just model. Best idea I've had in a long time. I powered through a lot of modelling and got myself caught up from a lot of the slack I allowed to accumulate in this project. I would say I'm about 60% of the way done with the modelling. My goal over the next two weeks is to have the modelling completed and then the time until finals week will be UV mapping, that way I can walk into the next quarter with only texturing to do and fixing whatever I do wrong.

Speaking of texturing: that's my new research track. To plan how to do textures with the intention of putting them into a game environment. I have the basics of the process down, but I'd like to get my workflow in order before I start flailing around and hoping everything will work together.

Otherwise things are going really well in the project. I need to get in contact with Marla and find out if some of the underclassmen in the project planning class next quarter will be able to help me with some of the UV maps I might not be able to finish this quarter just because they're time consuming.

I'll update as soon as I can with some screen caps of the models I've been working on. 

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