24 October 2012

My Love Affair with 3D Coat

So the next step of my project has been UVmapping. Which as any 3D artist knows is a frustrating process. Shaun recommended I use the bonus tools for Maya 2013, but I've run into several glitches with them. The worst of which involves the grayed out buttons that show up in the viewport. They don't actually appear, they're still there, but the GUI buttons aren't. Which means you're stuck praying that you somehow manage to click the button.

So I did some research and found the MEL scripts that the buttons actually run:

Add borders button:
Remove Borders button:
Continue button:
bt_killUnwrapMapHUD; bt_defineWrapMapEdges; if (`optionVar -q AutoUnwrapMapMethod` == 3) { bt_AutoUnwrapMapHUD3; if (`objExists "wrapMapAnchors"`) bt_defineWrapMapAnchors ;} else {bt_AutoUnwrapMap ; bt_AutoUnwrapMapHUD4; textureWindowBakeEditorImage;};bt_killUnwrapMapHUD ; bt_defineWrapMapEdges; if (`optionVar -q AutoUnwrapMapMethod` == 3) { bt_AutoUnwrapMapHUD3; if (`objExists "wrapMapAnchors"`) bt_defineWrapMapAnchors ;} else {bt_AutoUnwrapMap ; bt_AutoUnwrapMapHUD4; textureWindowBakeEditorImage;};
Done button:
bt_killUnwrapMapHUD; bt_cleanUpAfterUnwrap;

Continue button:

bt_killUnwrapMapHUD; bt_defineWrapMapEdges; if (`optionVar -q AutoUnwrapMapMethod` == 3) { bt_AutoUnwrapMapHUD3; if (`objExists "wrapMapAnchors"`) bt_defineWrapMapAnchors ;} else {bt_AutoUnwrapMap ; bt_AutoUnwrapMapHUD4; textureWindowBakeEditorImage;};bt_killUnwrapMapHUD ; bt_defineWrapMapEdges; if (`optionVar -q AutoUnwrapMapMethod` == 3) { bt_AutoUnwrapMapHUD3; if (`objExists "wrapMapAnchors"`) bt_defineWrapMapAnchors ;} else {bt_AutoUnwrapMap ; bt_AutoUnwrapMapHUD4; textureWindowBakeEditorImage;};

Done button:

bt_killUnwrapMapHUD; bt_cleanUpAfterUnwrap;

Continue button:
bt_killUnwrapMapHUD; bt_defineWrapMapEdges; if (`optionVar -q AutoUnwrapMapMethod` == 3) { bt_AutoUnwrapMapHUD3; if (`objExists "wrapMapAnchors"`) bt_defineWrapMapAnchors ;} else {bt_AutoUnwrapMap ; bt_AutoUnwrapMapHUD4; textureWindowBakeEditorImage;};bt_killUnwrapMapHUD ; bt_defineWrapMapEdges; if (`optionVar -q AutoUnwrapMapMethod` == 3) { bt_AutoUnwrapMapHUD3; if (`objExists "wrapMapAnchors"`) bt_defineWrapMapAnchors ;} else {bt_AutoUnwrapMap ; bt_AutoUnwrapMapHUD4; textureWindowBakeEditorImage;};

Done button:
bt_killUnwrapMapHUD; bt_cleanUpAfterUnwrap;

But most of this ended up just causing a ton of problems for me, including crashing Maya. I fully admit I don't know enough about MEL to even begin determining why. (Damnit, Captain! I'm an artist, not a programmer!) Also thanks to Zak from 3D Buzz for providing the MEL scripts.

So, I gave up on trying to make my life simple and decided to manually UV map. Now, funny thing about me, I actually really enjoy UV mapping...when I'm not in a rush to get it done. It took me 2 hours to UV map the Ward Beds which is one of the more complex models in my asset folders. That's ridiculous. So I decided to find a new way.

Well, 3DCoat seemed to be the obvious response. One of my brilliant classmates gave me a quick tutorial on how to use 3DCoat, and it's a surprisingly intuitive program. I tried using it on one of our lab computers, but there are some funky things going on with the licenses -I wonder if they're effectively kept on a cloud server since all of the computers are ghosted, but I digress. I remembered that Steam had a copy on their client and so I went ahead and bought it. So, worth it. In a fraction of the amount of time it took me to UV map that ONE model, I've UV mapped 6.

Needless to say, 3D Coat and I are very much in love and we'll be running away together to get married soon. :p Sorry, Maya.

Also Thesis was driving me a bit crazy so I decided to doodle some stuff in photoshop:

Every year I attempt to enter into the National Novel Writing Month website. The goal is to write a 50,000 word novel by the end of November. Every year I usually cap out at about 15K words before I lost time or interest, but I like to attempt it every year anyway. This is Seven, she's one of the main characters from the fantasy novel I'm attempting this year. In D&D terms she's a swordsage (Meaning she's good with weapons and blade magic) she fights with a bladed quarter staff. She also suffers from a light sensitivity to the point that she has to wear patches over her eyes during the day (which she can still see through) in order to not be in extreme pain. She can see perfectly at night. She's also had her tongue cut out. Her lips have been sewn shut from a ritual that allows her to speak telepathically.

16 October 2012

So Massive Update Dump

Allow me to assault your eyes with a ton of pictures of what I've been up to.

Also this week I'm going to work on getting a gallery page running on this site so that it's much easier to look through and navigate all of the images I've posted.

Highlight of the week though - that has nothing really to do with thesis: I obtained an ankle length 100% Cashmere sweater for 4$, I am very proud of myself.

13 October 2012

This isn't so bad

I got a few things that were completely stressing me out taken care of and it's helping me put the scale of this project into perspective.

Application for Graduation submitted ---check
Verizon finally sent me a new phone ---check
Pork shoulder in the slow cooker ----check
New shoes to keep me going ---- check

So basically I convinced myself to go hide in the lab for several hours and just model. Best idea I've had in a long time. I powered through a lot of modelling and got myself caught up from a lot of the slack I allowed to accumulate in this project. I would say I'm about 60% of the way done with the modelling. My goal over the next two weeks is to have the modelling completed and then the time until finals week will be UV mapping, that way I can walk into the next quarter with only texturing to do and fixing whatever I do wrong.

Speaking of texturing: that's my new research track. To plan how to do textures with the intention of putting them into a game environment. I have the basics of the process down, but I'd like to get my workflow in order before I start flailing around and hoping everything will work together.

Otherwise things are going really well in the project. I need to get in contact with Marla and find out if some of the underclassmen in the project planning class next quarter will be able to help me with some of the UV maps I might not be able to finish this quarter just because they're time consuming.

I'll update as soon as I can with some screen caps of the models I've been working on. 

10 October 2012

This week on the senior thesis channel

One of the things that drives me absolutely nuts about large scale projects like this is that no matter how many goals and deadlines I successfully meet, I never feel like I'm actually getting anything done. Luckily the Maya files in my thesis folder have proved me otherwise. Something is getting accomplished!

I'm mostly finished with my blocking models. I'm doing some more research to determine how I want to build the Isolation ward. I really don't know why that room is giving me so many problems. Of course that's half the fun of a project like this, overcoming those kinds of artistic challenges.

So what have I been up to this week?


Tons of stuff on Borderlands and Gearbox software. I love the art style. I've been addicted to the toon outliner since I discovered it my freshman year here. I like how Borderlands combined the outliner with their cell shading. What's even more fascinating is how they made this "11th hour decision" in response to the fact that Fallout was coming out around the same time.

I did some more research into a good workflow for my environment and I think I've settled on one. The basics of it involves block modeling/setting up a reference file, exporting my block models to use them as a reference for the main model. Model, UV, reference back into Maya.

So by the end of this quarter I should have all of the Models created and UVed. (In 4 weeks!!! That's totally doable) I'm all ready done with over half of the main models of the first Ward. There's a lot of repetition which helps with the process.

I've also been doing some thinking and research into texture styles, which depending on how much modeling I get done I may debut next week. :D

Time sheet:
6 hours: reblocking models, setting up file naming formats (renaming everything because I messed up!:0), modeling, cleaning up models
6 hours: research into UV mapping, Gearbox software and art styles, video watching on UDK and modular workflows and doing some work on my website
3 hours: Concept work and SKYRIM (totally game research...radiant game play in response to emergent game play is very important)